Infinite is Back Open!
We’re excited to announce the news we’ve all been waiting for since we closed on March 16. Philadelphia has finally released guidelines for reopening personal services, and on Friday, June 26 Infinite is back open!
No one could have imagined everything that has happened since we shut our doors in March. From the COVID-19 pandemic and government response to the massive Black Lives Matter protests in the United States (and similar marches around the globe), the world is a much different place now, and we are all working on getting acclimated to the new normal—and that includes us at Infinite Body Piercing.
Big Changes
When you come into the studio now you’ll see some big changes. We have installed plastic barriers at the counter between counter staff and customers. We will be limiting the number of clients in the studio. We will be engaging in an aggressive cleaning regimen (even more so than normal) to keep surfaces disinfected and reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission for both clients and staff.
There will be a hand-cleaning “station” at the front door. All clients will be greeted by a (masked) staff member at the door, who will provide hand sanitizer or a disinfecting hand wipe upon entering and will help walk you through the new protocol.
Everything will be different. Here’s what you’ll need to know about navigating the changes at Infinite Body Piercing as we open back up for business during a global pandemic!
New Shop Hours
In order to accommodate a rotating staff schedule and to minimize transmission risks between employees, we have changed our studio hours. Until further notice, we will be open from noon until 9 p.m. every day. We will be taking our last appointments at 8 p.m. daily.
Appointments? Yes, appointments.
Appointments are now required, for everything. Infinite has always operated as a walk-in studio. We loved being able to offer our services whether you planned ahead or made a spur-of-the-moment decision to get pierced. Unfortunately, this is not possible any longer. In order to maintain social distancing in the lobby we are switching (hopefully temporarily) to an appointment-only system.
All services will now require an appointment. This includes not only new piercings, but jewelry changes, removals, troubleshooting, consults—and even buying jewelry to-go will require an appointment. If you’re just looking to purchase jewelry to put in on your own, we encourage you to shop our online store. We will continue to offer free shipping on orders over $50 (within the United States) for the foreseeable future. As always, we are available by email and phone if you need help with sizing or have questions.
If you are looking to be pierced by a specific piercer, please call ahead to find out their schedule before booking your appointment. We will do our best to accommodate your request at your appointment.
Masks are required, at all times.
Masks will be required for entry, no exceptions. You will need a mask that fully covers your nose and mouth, and will need to keep it on at all times while inside the studio.
No “under-the-mask” piercings will be offered.
For now, we will not be offering any piercings located under a face mask. This includes nostril, septum, and all oral piercings. This also includes jewelry changes on existing piercings. If you are having problems with an existing nose or oral piercing, our piercers can troubleshoot with you via email or over the phone and can coach you through any jewelry changes for piercings in this area.
For now, no ear piercing services for kids.
Until we are settled into our new protocol at the studio, we are temporarily suspending ear piercings services for kids eight to twelve years old. We will still be offering select piercing services to minors aged thirteen and older.
No friends.
Getting pierced is always easier with a friend or partner. Unfortunately, because of social distancing requirements in our waiting area, we are asking you to leave your piercing partner home—or at least at the outside door of the studio. For now, we will be temporarily prohibiting clients from bringing in friends. Exceptions will be made for parents or guardians bringing in minors for piercings, and clients will be allowed to bring back one friend for nipple or genital piercings.
We ask that anyone accompanying you be from the same household, to minimize transmission risks.
Be on time!
To enforce social distancing, we will need to schedule the time at the studio pretty closely, so we may not be able to accommodate those who arrive late. If you are more than five minutes late, your appointment may be cancelled, so please make sure to arrive on-time. We also ask that you try to get here no more than five minutes early to your appointment, as we may not have the space for you to wait inside the studio. Parking near the shop can be tricky so be sure to leave yourself enough time.
Keep six feet apart.
There will be markings on the ground for exactly where to stand while being helped at the counter, as well as where to wait until a piercer calls you back. We will guide you!
If you are feeling ill, please reschedule.
If you have recently been sick, or experienced any of the following symptoms: cough, shortness of breath, fever, chills, muscle pain, or new loss of taste or smell—do not come in! If you arrive to your appointment and are showing signs of being ill, we will not be able to allow you in the studio. When in doubt, reschedule your appointment.
How do I book an appointment?
We currently offer appointments every day from opening to closing. Appointments are scheduled for 30-minute sessions, which includes time to do paperwork, choose jewelry, and have the piercing performed. Prices for services can be found on our Prices Page.
All appointments are scheduled online, through the link below. We do not schedule appointments over the phone.
How do I cancel or reschedule my appointment?
Appointments can be cancelled or rescheduled through the link provided in the confirmation email you originally received when booking the appointment. If you need to reschedule or cancel an appointment, we ask that you do so at least 24 hours prior to the start of your appointment. And again, please be on time. If you are more than five minutes late your appointment may be cancelled and you will need to reschedule for another day.
Lastly, before booking an appointment, please make sure you are able to bring in proper identification for the piercing as outlined in ID Info and Policies. To schedule an appointment, go here.
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