The most popular vulva piercing done in our shop, the vertical hood piercing (VCH), not only looks great, but it has a good chance of making the wearer feel great. It is easy to sit through and heal, and adds extra stimulation for the wearer. Rumors about spontaneous orgasms from walking and other physical activities are usually exaggerated, but this piercing can undoubtedly give you a little something extra!
Like the name implies, the piercing goes through the hood vertically. Since it sits top-to-bottom, it tends to be unobtrusive and rests comfortably within the anatomy of the wearer. Jewelry is either a straight or curved barbell, with the bottom ball resting on the clitoris and the top ball exiting on the topside of the hood. For many, the jewelry creates a wonderful sensation from the direct contact of the jewelry on the clitoris, and larger jewelry, or even just larger ends, can help intensify this sensation.
Like all genital piercings, the vertical clitoral hood piercing is anatomy-dependant. While most clients requesting this piercing have enough tissue to get pierced, smaller hoods may make this piercing ill-advised. Come in and talk to one of our staff and we’ll set you up with the piercing that’s best for you.