If you do decide outer labia piercings are for you, either a single piercing or in pairs, starting jewelry is usually 12 gauge captive beads rings. The piercing is also somewhat anatomy-dependent; thinner labia with a definite edge to the fold of tissue tend to be best for healing, and those with puffy or flatter outer labia can have an especially difficult time. If you have large thighs, you may also want to consider choosing another piercing, as healing may be especially difficult for you.
As you can see from the gallery, there are huge differences in vulva from person to person. While one person may be able to accommodate multiple labia piercings, another may have labia that are so small that only one ring will fit (or even none). If you are thinking about this piercing, also consider whether you will be staying with one (or one pair) or may go with more later, as this can affect placement. It pays to plan ahead!