The guiche is a scrotum piercing that is placed along the perineum in the space between the back of the scrotum and the anus. Initial jewelry selection and aftercare is the same as with a traditional scrotum piercing, but healing can be a little more difficult because of its location. This can also be a tricky piercing to heal for those who spend most of their day sitting or who spend a lot of time on a bicycle, motorcycle, horseback riding, or live in a hot, humid environment.
Piercing location is important, as a properly placed guiche should provide stimulation to the wearer. The best placement roughly corresponds to the location of the prostate where the tug of the jewelry’s weight can do the most good. (Your piercer can help you find the best spot for your piercing.) This can be a very sensual piercing regardless of your sexual orientation, and can also be fun for your partner to play with—after it’s healed, of course.