The apadravya gets its name from the Kama Sutra, which states to please his partner a man “may make use of certain apadravyas, or things which are put on or around the lingam to supplement its length or its thickness.” It further says, “The people of the southern countries [in India] think that true sexual pleasure cannot be obtained without perforating the lingam, and they therefore cause it to be pierced like the lobes of the ears of an infant pierced for earrings.” It does not specify how—or where—the penis is pierced, but “apadravya” has come to be accepted as the name for the piercing of the glans vertically. (The original passage can be read
here.) The ampallang piercing reportedly predates European contact with tribes in the Philippines, and has been performed in various Polynesian cultures, specifically the Dayak people of Borneo. Ampallang and apadravya piercings are similar in that they both consist of a barbell pierced through the head of the penis; however, in modern piercing, ampallang refers to the horizontal piercing, whereas apadravya refers to the vertical.

The apadravya is typically centered, with the piercing channel beginning in the “valley” on the top ridge of the glans, passing through the urethra, and exiting where the Prince Albert piercing is normally placed (on the underside of the piercing, where the glans meets the shaft). A PA piercing can easily be converted into an apadravya, as the same entrance can be used on the bottom, and this will reduce the overall healing time for the second piercing. The ampallang can be placed above or through the urethra, but passing through the urethra speeds healing and tends to make for a stronger piercing; in fact, many piercers will refuse to do a non-urethral ampallang.
When it comes to jewelry, we suggest nothing thinner than a 10 gauge post. These piercings can be subjected to a lot of movement and pressure, so anything thinner can be problematic for healing and can cause undue soreness after rough sex or play. Both can easily be pierced with thicker jewelry, such as an 8 gauge or even 6 gauge post. (Granted, sitting through a 6 gauge ampallang or apadravya can be uncomfortable, but as these piercings are very difficult to stretch, the initial discomfort is worth it if you plan on going thicker later.) The initial barbell should be long enough to allow for an erection and swelling during healing, but jewelry can be changed after the initial healing period. Some clients (and/or their partners) prefer something more snug-fitting and less obtrusive, while others prefer a longer bar or larger beads on the ends.
Depending on the positions you use, these piercings can be good for G-spot or prostate tickling. Either way, your partner will thank you—again and again.