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Where’s the Web Store?

If you’ve visited our site recently you’ve probably noticed that the Infinite once-expanding web store has been conspicuously empty. So, what’s going on?

We’ve been working with developers to address online inventory issues since the site’s launch in June, and it’s recently come to our attention that these issues may have corrupted the catalog. The good news is that our developers feel as though they are close to diagnosing the problem. The bad news is that means we are still unable to sell our stock through the web store and, even when the problem is diagnosed, it may take a bit of rebuilding on our end. We are hoping to begin “reopening” sections of the web store soon. Please know that we are working as hard and as fast as we can to resolve the matter, and to bring the best online body jewelry shopping experience to you.

In the meantime you can order all of your favorite body jewelry (or studio gift certificates for the upcoming holidays) by emailing, or by calling our online store helpline at 215-923-4809, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday.
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